AHP Coverage for 11 Trade Groups

Your clients in Clark, Douglas, Lyon, Nye, Storey, and Washoe counties as well as Carson City may now be eligible for Association Health Plan (AHP) coverage from Prominence Health Plan. Plus, you can earn 6% commission.

Employers must be affiliated with one of the following eleven trade groups to qualify:

  • California Auto Workers Association
  • Clark County Medical Society
  • Nevada Hotel & Lodging Association
  • Nevada Builders Alliance
  • Nevada Landscape Association
  • Nevada Optometric Association
  • Northern Nevada Dental Society
  • Southern Nevada Bar Association
  • Southern Nevada Dental Society
  • Washoe County Medical Society
  • Washoe County Bar Associlation

Two new benefit enhancements – Pediatric Dental and Vision – are also now included in the Essential Health Benefits for these AHP plans.

For more information, or to begin your quote, contact your Nevada Word & Brown team. We’re here to help with your AHP – and other – business!

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