An Important Message from CaliforniaChoice Regarding Cigna + Oscar
We wanted to share information from CHOICE Administrators concerning an upcoming change to the CaliforniaChoice portfolio.
An important portfolio change will begin with the January 1, 2025, effective date for CaliforniaChoice. As of that date, Cigna + Oscar Small Group plans will no longer be part of the CaliforniaChoice program. This is because Cigna + Oscar is withdrawing all of their Small Group plans from the California market.All groups currently enrolled with Cigna + Oscar through CaliforniaChoice will be notified of the change (market withdrawal) 180 days ahead of their renewal date. This means Cigna + Oscar Small Group plans will be discontinued on a rolling basis at the group’s renewal date: January 1, 2025, through December 1, 2025. Read a copy of the group 180-day notice.
If your CaliforniaChoice groups are written through Word & Brown and you have questions, please contact your Word & Brown rep.
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