IFP Updates from Health Net

We've received the following announcement from Health Net:
Things to know as you help members during the COVID-19 national pandemic
Insured members may be able to lower their monthly premium payment
Covered California members
Existing Covered California members may be able to lower their monthly premium payment if they have had a loss of income due to the economic impacts of COVID-19. How much a member pays monthly is based partly on their income. If their income goes down, they may be able to seek financial help from the federal government, the state or both. They may also qualify for a no-cost Medi-Cal plan.
Members should report a change of income by logging into their account at CoveredCA.com.
IFP off-exchange members
Members enrolled in an off-exchange plan may be able to receive financial help if they obtain health coverage through Covered California. First, members need to enroll through Covered California. Most Health Net Individual & Family Plans (IFPs) are available through CoveredCA.com (exception: PPO and EPO plans in select counties). Members who wish to enroll in a Covered California plan should:
- Go to www.CoveredCA.com to see if they qualify for financial help.
- If the member qualifies, the next step is for them to apply on the Covered California website.
- If the member obtains health coverage through Covered California, they should submit a request to cancel the off-exchange plan to: IFP_RC_Enrollment@healthnet.com
- Their request to cancel an off-exchange plan will be effective on the 1st of the following month. This is important to avoid dual health coverage!
State premium assistance
California introduced state premium assistance last year during 2020 open enrollment to help lower health care costs. Individuals who earn between 200% – 600% of the federal poverty level may qualify for help paying their monthly premium.
Number of people in your house | Yearly family income |
1 | Up to $74,940 |
2 | Up to $101,460 |
3 | Up to $127,980 |
4 | Up to $154,500 |
5 | Up to $181,020 |
6 | Up to $207,540 |
Grace period
To maintain health coverage, members' premium payments are due by the first of the month. Current grace period rules apply until further notice.
Special Enrollment Period due to the COVID-19 national pandemic is available through June 30, 2020
We want to remind you that you can still enroll your clients in an IFP through June 30, 2020.
Covered California is offering a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) through June 30, 2020, to help uninsured people get 2020 health coverage. Health Net will offer this SEP for IFPs available through Covered California, as well as for enrollment on our off-exchange plans.
Here's what you need to know about the SEP:
- Any uninsured individual or family can use this SEP to apply for 2020 health coverage.
- This SEP is for new enrollment only and not available for plan changes.
- To enroll in one of our off-exchange plans, go to www.myhealthnetca.com. Proof of a qualifying event is not needed to enroll under this SEP. You may also use the existing 2020 IFP enrollment forms to apply by mail.
- Effective dates of coverage are:
Enroll by | Effective date |
May 31 | June 1, 2020 |
June 30 | July 1, 2020 |
- After June 30, 2020, the regular special enrollment period qualifying events apply.
- First month's premium payment is required to activate coverage.
- The impact of COVID-19 on small businesses may be causing some people to lose employer based health coverage. Individuals can use this SEP to enroll with Health Net to regain health coverage.
Member communication
Health Net will be sending an email communication to members updating them on financial assistance available during the COVID-19 national pandemic.
Broker Bonus Program reminder
Based on your new IFP sales with an effective date between January 1, 2020, through December 1, 2020, you will earn a one-time $40 bonus per member. Click here for the 2020 Health Net new sales rules.