Tips for Using Technology to Stay Connected With Clients


It’s peak season, and it’s a critical time to stay connected with your clients. Technology can help you in many ways, but don’t overlook the more traditional communication methods of direct mail and the 144-year-old telephone.
Here are a few things to consider in your Q4 outreach:
Email: Emails and e-newsletters are an inexpensive way to share information with your customers throughout the year – not just leading up to their renewal. A good CRM (Customer Relationship Management) program can help you automate your communications, increase productivity, enhance customer service, and improve your productivity. Read our prior post, Intro to CRM Tools for Insurance Agents, for an overview of some of the platforms you might consider. 
Social Media: Using Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to reach customers and prospects can be very effective. YouTube also works well depending on your target audience – and the sort of video you’re planning to post. If your niche is business owners, it is important to know that 40% of monthly active LinkedIn users log on daily. That includes more than 61 million senior-level influencers and another 40 million users in decision-making roles. Forty-four percent of LinkedIn users are women.
No matter what your platform, be sure your content is mobile friendly. For Facebook users, more than 90% access the site via mobile.
Smartphone: Speaking of mobile, you already know you can your use your smartphone to send a text to customers, but did you know you can prerecord a message and send it via smartphone?
You can use the Voice Memo on your iPhone or the Voice Recorder on your Android phone. It doesn’t matter whether your recipient is using the same type of phone as you’re using, because your message will show up as an attachment to your text message. Another option is the app known as HeyTell®, a cross-platform voice messenger and a sort of walkie-talkie (remember those?) that works on Android and iOS. If your user does not already have HeyTell, he or she will get an invitation to sign up and be able to use it right away.
You can also employ an Outbound Voice Broadcasting platform like CallMultiplier, VoiceShot, CallHub, or others to call a list of numbers and play the message when the person answers.  Capterra published a comparison of services here. If you are considering this sort of outreach, be sure you comply with the National Do Not Registry.
You can also Facetime your customers if you’re both Apple iPhone users. Android users cannot take a Facetime call; however, there are three platforms that work for both iPhone and Android: Facebook Messenger, Skype, and Google Duo. Business Insider offers further details.  
Telephone: Tried and true, a landline telephone call (or one made on a VOIP line these days) is a great way to reach out to your customers. And, more than ever before, this year has proven the value of connecting (or reconnecting) with others. Whether your clients’ renewal dates are on the horizon or months away, picking up the phone to reach out is a great way to show your continuing interest in their lives, their businesses, and their employees.
Webinar: Right now, you may be limited in your ability to meet with prospects and customers in person. That doesn’t mean you can’t see their faces though. You can connect via Zoom, Skype, Google Duo (mentioned earlier), or several other programs. The Verge published a comparison of options in August 2020 that might be helpful in evaluating what could work for you. If you’re not convinced you’re the best “on air” person to deliver a live webinar, consider inviting a third-party expert to co-host with you.
You could also host a GoToMeeting where you share your screen with others, but cannot actually see your participants. Many brokers have successfully moved to online enrollment meetings in response to the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic.
One size does not fit all: Just as each of your customers is different, it’s good to implement a multi-prong strategy to maximize your outreach when prospecting or following up with existing clients. While you can reach some customers using email, others may respond better to snail mail. You can use a prerecorded digital phone message, an e-newsletter, greeting card (particularly true at this time of year), text, or other communications method. What’s important is that you make the effort. Frequent customer contact is essential to nurturing ongoing relationships with your clients.
Word & Brown support: Since 1985, brokers have benefited by partnering with Word & Brown to help them expand their portfolio, enhance their service to clients, prospect for new business, and boost their retention. We offer a variety of online and other tools to help you build your business. Contact your Word & Brown representative to learn more, or visit our website to find the Word & Brown office nearest you.

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