Get an Exclusive NAHU Membership Discount

The National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) is offering Word & Brown brokers a membership discount through December 31, 2018.

NAHU is the voice for employee benefits specialists – and the association represents more than 100,000 licensed health insurance brokers, agents, general agents, consultants, and other benefits professionals through more 200 chapters across America.

If you are not already a member of NAHU, now is your opportunity to join – and save $50 off your first year’s annual dues – through your affiliation with Word & Brown. (We’re a proud member of NAHU’s General Agency Principals Council, and we’ve advocated for years that our brokers be active in NAHU as well as regional and local chapters of the association.)

Your investment in a NAHU membership is an investment in our industry and your future. It’s also an investment that will reap benefits for you – and your clients – all year long.

Click here to begin your new registration process. Be sure to use WORDBROWN as your “referred by” source to receive the $50 membership discount. (Please allow up to 10 days for the processing of your $50 credit.) The discount is available only through 12/31/2018.

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