Jessica Word Featured in “California Broker”


The health insurance industry is one that is constantly evolving, and the role of technology to increase efficiency – sometimes called insurtech – is poised to continue for years to come. 

That’s the underlying theme behind, “The Increasing Dominance of Insurtech,” an article in the August edition of California Broker bylined by Word & Brown president Jessica Word. 

In the piece, Jessica zeroes in on three insurtech solutions that offer a myriad of benefits to brokers and clients:
  • Speedy access to information
  • Another layer of checks and balances
  • Organization of employee statuses
With a majority of insurance organizations now working remotely, insurtech is likely to continue to define how general agents, carriers, and brokers provide client service. That’s true not only because most of us are working remotely, but because quickly evolving technologies continue to allow us to be faster and more accurate than ever before.

To read Jessica’s article, click here

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