NABIP Operation Shout: Telehealth Flexibility

We’ve received the following announcement from NABIP:
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provided temporary relief during the pandemic by allowing Health Savings Account (HSA) qualified high-deductible health plans (HDHP) to cover telehealth services before reaching the deductible. It also allowed patients to choose and purchase telehealth services outside their HDHP, without impacting their eligibility for an HSA. This popular provision was set to expire at the end of 2022, but will now remain in place through December 31, 2024 as passed in the end of year omnibus bill of 2022.
Without further Congressional action, employers will be required to charge employees more to access telehealth services, creating a barrier to care, including mental health treatment. In addition, this must be addressed before 2024, as health coverage is offered prospectively. There is already bipartisan, bicameral support again in Congress to provide flexibility for plans and employers to offer telehealth pre-deductible in HSA plans, the Telehealth Expansion Act of 2023 (H.R. 1843/S. 1001). It is vital that Congress make this provision permanent in order to maintain continuity to care, expand access to care and reduce out-of-pocket costs for millions of Americans.
Contact your legislators today and urge them to cosponsor the Telehealth Expansion Act of 2023!
1. Contact your legislators. Send an Operation Shout today urging lawmakers to cosponsor the Telehealth Expansion Act of 2023.
2. Tell your clients to take action. Your clients can also send a direct message about why their legislators should support these efforts. Tell them to take action here!