One More Reason to be Excited About Anthem in 4th Quarter 2020

We've received the following announcement from Anthem: 

As you know, there are a lot of good things to talk to brokers about when positioning Anthem Small Group in the market. We’ve lowered HMO rates on our Full, Select, and Priority Select plans and are more competitive now than ever before. We’ve recently announced our Network Flexibility options for 10/1/2020 – 3/15/2021 effective dates, giving groups more options. We’re offering a 6% commission program for new cases sold with 10+ enrolled employees for 7/1/2020 – 1/15/2021 effectives dates for all agents. 

► Click here for details on 6% commission program.

Now, one might ask, can it get any better than this? Well, YES, yes it can.

For new business cases sold in the month of December 2020 (12/1 and 12/15 effective dates) with 10+ enrolled employees, we’re offering 7% commission* for the life of the case** to all agents. That’s right. 7% commission for all agents when they sell a case with 10+ enrolled employees in December 2020!!

Contact your Word & Brown representative for more information.


Group/Membership Eligibility:
  • A Small Group consists of 1–100 eligible employees. 
  • Only eligible Small Groups with 10 or more enrolled employees on Anthem Medical plans with an effective date of December 1, 2020 or December 15, 2020, qualify for this program. 
  • New Small Business Group employees are those who have the same enrollment effective date as the employer group’s original Anthem effective date (i.e., if an employer group’s original effective date is 12/1/20, then the members must also have an effective date of 12/1/20). 
  • Commission percentage is based on the number of enrolled employees with Anthem Medical plans. 
Agent Eligibility:
  • Appointed agents must be in good standing with a current, signed Anthem agent contract and valid license on file. 
  • Qualified business will included business sold through a General Agent partner or direct to Anthem. 
*7% flat up to $1M annualized premium, then .8% above $1M.
** If an Agent of Record change occurs, the commission will automatically update to the standard 5% flat up to $1M annualized premium, then .8% above $1M.
** If the book of business is transferred, commission will automatically update to the standard 5% flat up to $1M annualized premium, then .8% above $1M.
** The 7% schedule applies only as long as the group stays enrolled in an Anthem Small Group plan. 

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