Launch of New WBCompliance Resource


As part of the Word & Brown Compliance team’s commitment to help brokers and employers stay on top of changing rules and regulations, including Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting and compliance guidelines, we’ve launched a new Compliance-focused wiki page.

If you’re not familiar with the term, a “wiki” is a web-based platform that enables users to access content in an organized manner. Wiki comes from the word wiki wiki, which means fast in Hawaiian. In this case, our Compliance experts will be monitoring and updating the content.

Our new resource gives you and your clients a place to easily – and quickly – look up compliance-related topics to get the answers you need. You won’t have to wade through PDFs or web pages. The search feature gives you the ability to find exactly what you’re looking for in seconds.

The broad compliance categories that are part of the new compliance resource include:

  • ACA
  • ACA Calculators
  • General Compliance

Visit the site today to find out just how awesome and easy it is to use. Be sure to share the link with your clients, too.

Check out the new WBCompliance resource. 



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