CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19 UPDATE: Office Mobilization & Office Restrictions

The global COVID-19 pandemic continues to influence our way of life and how we do business. At this time, we want to reiterate that your team at Word & Brown is still here to help you with business as many of you continue to work and service your clients.

Mobilization of Our Office & Visitor Restrictions

In order to mitigate risk to our employees, we are mobilizing our operations and restricting visitors to each of our six offices. However, we are still open for business.

Here to Support You

Our goal is to provide you with the same level of service you have grown accustomed to as a Word & Brown Broker:

  • Quoting new business
  • Enrolling new business, including virtual enrollments
  • Answering questions for inforce groups
  • And more


If the COVID-19 Pandemic Continues

In the event of a more serious disruption to the market, we have a Business Continuity Plan allowing Word & Brown to continue business operations and service to you and your clients. If you have any questions, please contact us at 800.869.6989.

Be safe,

Word & Brown

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