CaliforniaChoice Adds Full Network Platinum PPO for 7/1


Have you heard? CaliforniaChoice announced this month the availability of a Full Network Platinum PPO plan from Anthem Blue Cross for coverage effective 7/1.
If an Anthem Blue Cross Platinum PPO is not what your clients’ employees are looking for, that’s okay. CaliforniaChoice gives members the ability to choose from eight health plans, 130+ HMO, PPO, EPO, and HSA-qualified options – plus options for Dental, Vision, Chiropractic & Acupuncture, and Life.
In fact, CaliforniaChoice offers your groups access to more doctors and hospitals than any other single program in California. It also gives employers greater cost control over their benefits.
Get a quote for Q3 right now. Quote online at, call or email your CHOICE Administrators rep (if you have one), or contact Word & Brown to run a quote for you.
The CaliforniaChoice California Different approach to employee benefits provides something for everyone.

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