Nevada Builders Alliance: Building Better Health Care
Your clients in the construction or an affiliated industry who employ 2-50 full-time workers can now offer high-quality health insurance to employees and dependents.
The Association Health Plan from Nevada Builders Alliance and Prominence Health Plan delivers Large Group benefits to Small Groups:
- Six comprehensive health plans, including HMO, PPO, and POS coverage options as well as a Qualified High Deductible Health Plan
- Affordable monthly premiums
- Copays for widely used benefits like Primary Care Physician visits, specialists, and lab services
- Statewide HMO open access and national PPO network access
A new Prominence Health Plan and Cigna partnership offers access to Cigna’s national network for out-of-Nevada services for members enrolled in a PPO-type plan.
Download the flyer to learn more.
Or, if you’re ready to quote, contact your Word & Brown Nevada team at 800.606.4996.
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