Offer Free COBRA or ERISA Wrap (SPD) Services to Your Clients
For groups with 20+ employees enrolled in Medical through Word & Brown, we offer you a choice of zero-cost COBRA administration or free ERISA Summary Plan Description (SPD/wrap) administration services. If your groups choose ERISA services, they can “buy up” for Form 5500 filing services.
These are value-add services you can extend to your clients, saving them potentially thousands of dollars – all because they do business with you and you’re a Word & Brown broker.
- Improve your clients’ ERISA and COBRA compliance.
- Simplify administration and give them the ability to create wrap plan documents, including an SPD.
- Protect benefits with a plan that bundles health and welfare plans together.
Call us today at 1-800-606-4996 to learn more. And watch for our schedule of upcoming COBRA and ERISA webinars.
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