7 Ways to Improve Your Insurance Agency Marketing

If you’re like many insurance agents and brokers, you’re probably always looking for new ways to get the word out about your agency and to improve your marketing and promotion. What follows are seven ideas you might consider.

Create Your Own Website

It’s nearly 2017, so marketing online should already be a part of your promotion plan. If it’s not, you’re definitely missing out. A professional site – and a memorable URL – can help you reach new customers and stay in contact with current clients, too.

To further enhance the effectiveness of your site, consider linking your website with the websites of other professionals. This could result in an exchange of potential new prospects – see “Referrals” below.

Use Direct Mail

While it’s often disparaged, direct mail is still very effective for four important reasons: 1) it’s personal, 2) it’s targeted, 3) it stands out, and 4) it can be very cost-effective.

Direct mail is usually personalized; it’s addressed specifically to someone and is delivered directly to them. It’s targeted and can be tailored to a precise audience – from prospects to long-time customers. It stands out because it’s tangible, unlike emails that overload mailboxes across America every day.  It’s surprisingly reasonable; some carriers and General Agents offer affordable direct mail programs to contracted producers.

Sponsor an Event or Team

Consider becoming a sponsor for a local event or sports team. (This can include a local school, seasonal, or semi-professional team.) It puts your agency name in front of the community and lets others know you are more than just an insurance sales person. Many brokers find it useful to get involved with the athletic teams of their children, nieces, or nephews or the region’s “farm team” of a professional  outfit. Coaching, too, can introduce you to families in the community and help get your name out to those who might not otherwise find you.

Automate with CRM Software

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can be important to helping you automate your follow-up with prospects and clients alike. It can increase your productivity, profitability, and customer service by tracking important information, including client or prospect name, contact info, family composition (e.g., spouse and/or children), pre-existing conditions, long-term goals, policy renewal dates, date of last outreach/ contact, etc. When you’re able to automate your follow-up, you can focus on more important things – like renewals and referrals.

Ask For and Give Referrals

Make it a habit to ask your clients if they know anyone who could benefit from the services you provide. You could be surprised how willing your existing clients are to share the names of their friends and relatives when they’re happy with your service.

Consider cultivating relationships with other professionals, too – like attorneys, CPAs, financial planners, and professionals who focus on different insurance markets than you do. These professionals – and your current clients, too – are likely to be more open to trading referrals than just handing over names and contact numbers.

Use Online Advertising and Social Networking

There’s a lot of ad space available online – and some of it is quite affordable. Consider sponsoring a site or blog (as long as it fits with your business profile), buy a banner ad, or use pay-per-click, search engine ads.

You’ll also want to create a profile for your agency on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. It costs nothing to get started. (You are, after all, already online with your own website, right?)

If you’re active on these three sites, you have the chance to position yourself as an industry pro and share your ideas with a broad audience.  When you regularly interact with others, more readers and website visitors will notice you, which could lead to new business in the future.

There are countless ways you can showcase your business and promote your services. We’ll feature more of them in the future as part of our ongoing tips for brokers.

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