Technology to Help Brokers During Peak Season and Open Enrollment

It’s fourth quarter and, traditionally, the busiest season for health insurance brokers, as you work to help your employer clients get group health insurance effective for their employees for the new calendar year.
As part of Word & Brown’s commitment to helping you — in Q4 and throughout the year — we thought we would remind you of the technology we offer to help propel your production and get your groups enrolled more quickly.


It is often said that new business starts with a quote, and Word & Brown has been the industry leader for Small Group quoting for decades, ever since we launched Quot-O-Matic in the 1980s. Today, we offer both desktop and mobile quoting platforms, which allow you to deliver a customized quote wherever your clients may be.
More powerful than any of our prior quote engines, WBQuote gives you the opportunity to easily quote Medical and Ancillary products using a single platform. And, it includes wrap quoting and other valuable features, too.
WBQuote Lite, our mobile, on-the-go quoting platform, lets you say goodbye to running back to the office to re-run a quote because a client made a census error or recently hired a new employee. Using WBQuote Lite, you can run a quote to match your clients’ changing needs. It offers a new user-interface for assigning plans, setting contributions, and comparing coverage options (with highlighted plan differences). It’s easy to add a package, too – with a single tap. Or, quickly update a census and re-run a quote on the spot.

Built-in provider search helps you ensure your clients get access to their preferred doctors. Plus, as you would expect, you can customize your quote with your agency logo and colors, and output it in your choice of formats – PDF, Excel, or PowerPoint. Wherever you are (in your office, at the client’s office, or over lunch away from the office), WBQuote Lite is with you. And, when you need to dig deeper, you can rely on WBQuote. 


WBBroker puts your entire Word & Brown portfolio in your pocket in one powerful app. 

Check out everything you can do with WBBroker:
  • Quoting: Get a Summary Quote (quick estimate) or open WBQuote Lite to start a guaranteed-accurate quote for each plan your groups are considering.
  • Real-time Updates: Keep track of how your cases are working their way through Underwriting, including each employee’s coverage, enrolled employee count, and more.
  • Provider Searches: Ensure each of your quotes includes the plans offering clients and employees access to the doctors, hospitals, and medical groups they want.
  • Improved Business Management: View a summary of inforce business, including group names, coverage, effective dates, policy numbers, quote dates, payments, etc.


According to the 2020 MetLife open enrollment survey, nearly half of employees feel open enrollment is more important this year than in the past. With that backdrop, and the challenges of in-person enrollment presentations in 2020 (and, likely, early 2021), this may be the time to take a new look at online enrollment. It can help enhance your communication with enrolling employees and expedite your cases.
Word & Brown works with multiple partners to offer an array of online enrollment, HR/benefits management, and employee onboarding tools. Click here to see additional information, or contact your Word & Brown representative.


No other General Agency offers the expertise, products and services, and technology support that come with Word & Brown’s 35+ years of innovation. Contact your Word & Brown representative or your nearest Word & Brown office to put our technology to work for you and your clients.

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