Tool to Oppose S.B. 562 Single-Payer Legislation

The California Association of Health Underwriters (CAHU) has developed resources to help health insurance brokers statewide voice their opposition to Senate Bill (SB) 562, which passed the State Senate in June and seeks to establish a single-payer health care system in California. While the legislation is temporarily on hold as a result of action by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, it could be considered later in the two-year legislative session.

Word & Brown, our carrier partners, and CAHU all oppose SB 562, which would replace the current health insurance system for California residents with a government-run health care program that is estimated to cost up to $400 billion annually.

You can link to a customizable letter that you can send to your State Assembly member here. (You can find out who your State Assembly representative is by using the state website. Just click on “Find your legislator by address.” Then search for his or her Sacramento address here; legislators are listed in alphabetical order.)

For other tools to oppose SB 562, visit the CAHU Resources Center.

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