Read more on the ACA roll back efforts by GOP and push for AHPs.
Breaking News: Employer Reporting Legislation Passes House
The House passed H.R. 3801 on June 21, 2023, also known as the Employer Reporting Improvement Act.
Employers Increasingly Using Benefits to Attract Workers
Offering the right employee benefits can help your clients attract and retain their most-valued employees. Read more about it here.
Bill to Finance a State-run Healthcare System Advances to Assembly Health Committee
SB 770, a bill advancing Single Payer in California passed off the Senate Floor last week and is now heading to the Assembly Health Committee.
Court Ruling Undermines Preventive Care Benefits of ACA
INDUSTRY NEWS: Court Ruling Undermines Preventive Care Benefits of ACA
NABIP Operation Shout: Telehealth Flexibility
Contact your legislators today and urge them to cosponsor the Telehealth Expansion Act of 2023!
EBRI Finds Ongoing Employer Support for Benefits
A recent study by the Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI) found continuing enthusiasm among employers concerning sponsorship of worker health insurance.