MWG Broker Services Adding New Individual Gap Plans


MWG Broker Services is excited to announce the availability of six new individual gap plans. Available for coverage effective July 1, 2023, these supplemental InPocket health plans are secondary insurance designed to “fill the hole” in clients’ primary insurance. (California agents must be contracted with Standard Life in California, as it is the underwriter in California.)

Agents can sell this gap coverage to clients 64 years old and younger who have a comprehensive Affordable Care Act (ACA) Major Medical plan.
Agent Commission is Per Tier Per Month (PTPM):
  • Member $15
  • Member + Child $30
  • Member + Spouse $30
  • Member + Family $45
Customer features include coverage for pre-existing conditions, no health questions, guaranteed issue, calendar year benefits, online enrollment, and ACH or credit card payments.
For additional information, visit or view the product availability map at Download the InPocket Plan Agent Commissions PDF.
Contact your Word & Brown representative to learn more.

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