KFF Columnist Revisits Role of Health Care in 2024 Presidential Election
You may recall that in April we reprinted a column by Drew Altman, President and CEO of the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF). In it, he noted that health care is considered by many to be an important issue; however, it appeared at the time that the 2024 presidential election was not likely to focus on health care. Dr. Altman said the election was likely to be mostly about the candidates (at the time): former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden.
Of course, with the recent shake-up in the presidential race, things are looking different now. With President Biden’s withdrawal and Kamala Harris’s elevation to the top of the ballot for Democrats, health care is likely to be a more consequential factor in the fall campaign.
Dr. Altman suggests that the Democratic advantage on health and health care is about the same as the Republican advantage on immigration. He is forecasting a spotlight by Democrats on abortion as well as Medicare drug price negotiations, capping insulin costs at $35 a month for Medicare beneficiaries, enhancing Affordable Care Act subsidies through 2025 to make coverage more affordable for enrollees, and eliminating medical debt from credit reports.
To read Dr. Altman’s full column, visit the KFF website.
W&B Editor’s Note: We share this KFF link as a follow up to our previous KFF column reprint. It is an interesting point of view from a health care expert on how related issues may affect the 2024 election.
For more information on Dr. Altman, read his online bio . KFF is an independent source for health policy research, polling, and news.
Dr. Altman’s opinions are his own and do not reflect the views of Word & Brown, our co-founders, or executives.
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