
Because the insurance industry is evolving, and rules and regulations change, we help you stay up-to-date by sending carrier, product, and other updates regularly via emails and e-newsletters, post updates in our online Newsroom, and post on social media. Check out the latest news below.

Large Group Ancillary Carrier Spotlight: Blue Shield of California

Blue Shield of California's Large Group ancillary enhancements make it an outstanding choice

CaliforniaChoice Adds Full Network Platinum PPO for 7/1

Starting with the July 1 effective date, CaliforniaChoice now includes a Full Network Platinum PPO plan from Anthem Blue Cross.

Large Group Ancillary Carrier Spotlight: Anthem Blue Cross

If you’re searching for an Ancillary carrier for a 100+ employee California-based client, your search is as simple as A-B-C – as in Anthem Blue Cross.

CaliforniaChoice is Better Than Ever in 2023

Time to get started on quoting for new business and your upcoming renewals.

Large Group Ancillary Carrier Spotlight: Aetna

Aetna has a broad portfolio, great participation guidelines, rate guarantees, and the tools that make it a Large Group option you and your groups need to consider.

Bundle United Concordia Dental and UC ClearVision and Earn 10% Commission with Just 2 Enrolled

If your clients are looking to offer more flexibility when it comes to Dental and Vision coverage, we have a new solution: United Concordia Dental’s UC ClearVisionTM products.

Our New Nevada Offering is a Real Eye Opener

Word & Brown’s new contract in Nevada gives brokers access to the Aetna Vision Preferred portfolio, a clear choice for small businesses.