
Because the insurance industry is evolving, and rules and regulations change, we help you stay up-to-date by sending carrier, product, and other updates regularly via emails and e-newsletters, post updates in our online Newsroom, and post on social media. Check out the latest news below.

ACA Cadillac Tax: Expectation vs. Reality

Join the fight against the Cadillac Tax by sharing this infographic from the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) with your clients.

New Tools to Oppose S.B. 562 Single-Payer Legislation

The California Association of Health Underwriters (CAHU) has developed resources to help health insurance brokers statewide voice their opposition to Senate Bill (SB) 562, which passed the State Senate in June and seeks to establish a single-payer health care system in California.

Tips for Marketing Your Insurance Agency

​Insurance – and Small Group Health Insurance, in particular – is a complex and competitive business. Your job as an insurance sales professional has become even more of a challenge since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted in 2010.

Single-Payer Bill Advances in Sacramento

You may have read the California State Senate Health Committee recently approved Senate Bill (S.B.) 562, a measure that would create a single-payer health care system in the Golden State.

Single-Payer Bill Advances in Sacramento

As proposed, S.B. 562 would replace the current health insurance system for California residents with a government-run health care program.

New Employee Benefits Study

MetLife has released its 15th annual U.S. Employee Benefit Trends Study, which examines the changing employee benefits market, what employees want, and how employers are responding.

Seven Ways to Improve Your Insurance Agency Marketing

If you’re like many insurance agents and brokers, you’re probably always looking for new ways to get the word out about your agency and to improve your marketing and promotion. What follows are seven ideas you might consider.