
Because the insurance industry is evolving, and rules and regulations change, we help you stay up-to-date by sending carrier, product, and other updates regularly via emails and e-newsletters, post updates in our online Newsroom, and post on social media. Check out the latest news below.

Q4 Broker Survey Results Summary

In 2016, we surveyed brokers regarding their plans for the upcoming Q4 to see how we can better help them prepare.

Q4 Broker Survey Results Summary

We recently surveyed brokers to get some feedback on your plans for fourth quarter – and how we can help you better prepare for what is expected to be a busy Q4.

Thinking of Becoming an Insurance Broker?

​According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were more than 350,000 “insurance sales agents” employed by insurance agencies, brokerages, carriers, and related firms in the United States as of May 2014, the most recent date through which information is available. 

Here's the Diehl: Utilizing a General Agency

I am going to draw a fine distinction between service and vendor relationships that empower you to engage and sell in our marketplace – and why it remains vital to utilize a General Agency like Word & Brown. There are many things to consider.

Life & Health Market Thriving Amid COVID-19

October 2020 Industry News item regarding insurer profits in Q2 2020

Benefits of Attending Health Insurance Industry Events

Attending industry events is a great way to stay up to date on industry trends, network, and more!

Update on SBA Loan Program in COVID-19 Stimulus Package

The U.S. Congress has passed and President Trump has signed the $2 trillion Coronavirus stimulus bill that we wrote to you about on Thursday.