
Because the insurance industry is evolving, and rules and regulations change, we help you stay up-to-date by sending carrier, product, and other updates regularly via emails and e-newsletters, post updates in our online Newsroom, and post on social media. Check out the latest news below.

Tech Team Updates for September 2021

Here’s the latest “news you can use” concerning Ease, an online enrollment platform specifically designed for health insurance brokers focused on the 2-250 employee marketplace.

Tips for Getting Started With Youtube Video Ads

If you haven't used YouTube video advertising as one of your marketing strategies, here are 5 tips to get you started.

Nevada Groups May Be Eligible for Small Business Tax Credit

An often-overlooked feature of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit available to employers with fewer than 25 full-time equivalent employees that provide health coverage to those workers.

Tech Team Updates for August 2021

In our ongoing series of technology-related “news you can use,” we continues to focus this month on Ease.

One Final COBRA Subsidy Notice Due Beginning Mid-August

A final COBRA premium subsidy notice is due to most Assistance Eligible Individuals between 8/16/2021 and 9/15/2021. Employers subject to federal COBRA are required to comply as applicable. Read what you need to know.

Tech Team Updates for July 2021

In our ongoing series of technology-related “news you can use,” we continues to focus this month on Ease.

Anthem Blue Cross Medical & Specialty Broker Incentives

Earn more commission when you sell Anthem medical, plus a special bonus program for dental, vision, life and disability.