
Because the insurance industry is evolving, and rules and regulations change, we help you stay up-to-date by sending carrier, product, and other updates regularly via emails and e-newsletters, post updates in our online Newsroom, and post on social media. Check out the latest news below.

Kaiser Permanente Announces Word & Brown as New General Agency in Fresno and San Diego

Word & Brown has been awarded a new Large Group General Agency contract by Kaiser Permanente for Fresno and San Diego.

Spring Cleaning Your Email Lists

Spring has sprung, and spring-cleaning is not just something that applies to your personal life. It also is important to your business – and keeping your email lists and customer database in top shape is important.

Section 125 Plans: Restrictions by Business Entity Type and Required Nondiscrimination Testing

​Section 125 plans, sometimes referred to as “cafeteria plans,” permit employers to sponsor Premium Only Plans (POPs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs).

Short-Term Health Plans Expanding, But Not in California

In February, the Trump administration released its long-awaited proposal on the expansion of short-term health insurance plans that do not have to comply with all of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements.

Section 125 Plans Generally Mean Irrevocable Elections

One of the most frequently asked questions to the WBCompliance team is about Section 125 Plans.  That is, plans that fall under Section 125 of the tax code, known as “POP plans” (Premium Only Plans) and FSA Plans (Flexible Spending Accounts).

How Health Insurance Helps Your Clients Retain Employees

As the job market tightens, and the unemployment rate declines, it is becoming increasingly difficult for businesses to find employees to fill vacant roles

New Tool Helps Educate Your Clients

​Word & Brown has developed a useful new resource to educate your clients and help them better understand health insurance and medical terms.