
Because the insurance industry is evolving, and rules and regulations change, we help you stay up-to-date by sending carrier, product, and other updates regularly via emails and e-newsletters, post updates in our online Newsroom, and post on social media. Check out the latest news below.

CaliforniaChoice is Better Than Ever in 2023

Time to get started on quoting for new business and your upcoming renewals.

Large Group Ancillary Carrier Spotlight: Aetna

Aetna has a broad portfolio, great participation guidelines, rate guarantees, and the tools that make it a Large Group option you and your groups need to consider.

Prices Up on Hundreds of Drugs in January

As reported by Reuters, an analysis by the health care research firm 3 Axis Advisors found a roster of drugmakers raised prices in the U.S. last month on more than 350 drugs.

5 Health Care Tech Companies to Watch

In this article we will highlight five health tech companies for brokers and agencies to take notice of in 2023 and potentially beyond.

Tech Team Updates for February 2023

The Tech Team Updates for this month offer more news you can use concerning Ease, the online enrollment platform for health insurance brokers working in the 2-250 employee marketplace.

Bundle United Concordia Dental and UC ClearVision and Earn 10% Commission with Just 2 Enrolled

If your clients are looking to offer more flexibility when it comes to Dental and Vision coverage, we have a new solution: United Concordia Dental’s UC ClearVisionTM products.

Our New Nevada Offering is a Real Eye Opener

Word & Brown’s new contract in Nevada gives brokers access to the Aetna Vision Preferred portfolio, a clear choice for small businesses.