
Because the insurance industry is evolving, and rules and regulations change, we help you stay up-to-date by sending carrier, product, and other updates regularly via emails and e-newsletters, post updates in our online Newsroom, and post on social media. Check out the latest news below.

New Q3 2019 Small Group and Large Group HPRGs Available

Word & Brown’s latest editions of the California and Nevada Small Group and Large Group Health Plan Reference Guides (HPRGs) are available for download.

Jessica Word Featured in Technology Publication

Word & Brown president Jessica Word is featured in a news story published this month by Technology Headlines.

Proposed Legislation Includes Broker Comp Disclosure

Legislation developed by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), chair of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, and ranking minority member Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), includes a lengthy health insurance agent and broker compensation disclosure.

How to Determine Whether a Variable-Hour “Hourly” Employee is Full-Time or Part-Time under the ACA

Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) must offer affordable coverage to all full-time (FT) employees (and at least Minimum Essential Coverage [MEC] to their dependents) to satisfy the Affordable Care Act (ACA) employer mandate.

Introducing New Podcast Series: “Breaking It Down With Word & Brown”

A new podcast series for Word & Brown brokers is now available!

Word & Brown General Agency Achieves HITRUST CSF® Certification

With privacy breaches an all-too-familiar news story, from Fortune 500 Companies to competing insurance agencies, ensuring information security for both you and your clients is of utmost importance to Word & Brown.

New Hire Worksheet Now Part of Quoting System

New Hire Worksheets are now built into Word & Brown’s quoting technology, WBQuote. You can quickly add a new hire to coverage without having to call a sales rep for assistance.