
Because the insurance industry is evolving, and rules and regulations change, we help you stay up-to-date by sending carrier, product, and other updates regularly via emails and e-newsletters, post updates in our online Newsroom, and post on social media. Check out the latest news below.

Integrated Provider Search Added to WBQuote

WBQuote is now better than ever. We’ve added a new integrated Provider Search tool that gives you the ability to search, confirm, and build quotes with the doctors, medical groups, and hospitals your clients want, instantly.

Quote Technology to Simplify Your Role as a Health Insurance Broker

Quoting is an important part of your role as a Health Insurance broker (also often called a Health Insurance agent). It’s an integral component of your service to prospects and clients – whether your focus is Individual and Family Plan (IFP) coverage or Group Health Insurance.

Technology in the Palm of Your Hand

In this day and age, tech is king. Whatever we want to do, there’s a way to do it faster and more conveniently thanks to technology.

Get an Exclusive NAHU Membership Discount

The National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) is offering Word & Brown brokers a membership discount through December 31, 2018.

Resources to Help Your Clients During Special Open Enrollment Window

Do you have the resources you need to help your clients prepare for the Special Open Enrollment Window.

Resources to Help Your Clients During the Special Open Enrollment Window

The annual Affordable Care Act Special Open Enrollment Window (SOEW) is now underway! It’s the once-a-year opportunity for your clients to apply for Small Group coverage without having to meet the traditional carrier employee-participation and employer-contribution ratio requirements.

The Election Is Over – What Could the Results Mean for Health Care and Health Insurance Brokers?

​While total vote counts nationwide may not be available for a week or more, we do know voters turned out on Tuesday, November 6, in numbers that appear to have surpassed previous mid-term elections by, perhaps, as many as 30 million votes (versus 2014).