Discover how the ACA’s annual Special Open Enrollment (SOE) Window can help Small Group employers secure 1/1 coverage without meeting participation or contribution requirements. Plus, get access to our exclusive California and Nevada SOEW references.
Understanding Augmented Reality (AR) Health Insurance
February 12, 2025Nevada Carrier Partner Updates
February 07, 2025California Carrier Partner Updates
February 07, 2025Medicare and Medicaid Coverage for Weight Loss Drugs
January 28, 2025FEATURED ARTICLE
CaliforniaChoice Adds Full Network Platinum PPO for 7/1
Starting with the July 1 effective date, CaliforniaChoice now includes a Full Network Platinum PPO plan from Anthem Blue Cross.
Federal Judge Strikes Down ACA Requirement for $0 In-Network Preventive Care for Certain Services
A federal judge has struck down important $0 preventive care provisions in the ACA; an appeal is under review. California law blunts the impact for many, but not all. Nevadans will be affected. Find out what you need to know in Paul Roberts’s latest column.
NABIP Operation Shout: Telehealth Flexibility
Contact your legislators today and urge them to cosponsor the Telehealth Expansion Act of 2023!
Tech Team Updates for April 2023
This month’s Tech Team Updates offer more news you can use concerning Ease, the online enrollment platform for health insurance brokers working in the 2-250 employee marketplace.
EBRI Finds Ongoing Employer Support for Benefits
A recent study by the Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI) found continuing enthusiasm among employers concerning sponsorship of worker health insurance.