Meet The Team

Dena Allchin

Senior Director of Large Group Sales

Proud Employee Since 2018

In her General Agency leadership role, Dena Allchin directs and manages all Large Group Sales initiatives. She and her team strategically partner with brokers throughout California and Nevada to address Large Group clients’ needs.
Her team provides prospecting, sales, and enrollment assistance such as leading Discovery Calls with clients, providing counsel on plan selection, RFP processing, quote review and negotiation, developing customized presentations, and customer care after the sale.
With more than two decades in the industry, she joined the General Agency as a Regional Sales Manager in Orange County in 2018. In that role, she brought a consultative approach to helping brokers grow and retain more business. Dena also provided client sales presentation assistance and helped drive increased retention for agencies across Southern California. Prior to her January 2022 promotion, Dena was a Large Group Sales Consultant at Word & Brown for nearly two and a half years.


John M. Word III
Edward J. "Rusty" Brown, Jr.

Executive Leadership

Jessica Word
Marc McGinnis
Vanessa Benitez
Emily Crognale
Jason Culp
Scott Diehl
Paul Tran

Regional Vice Presidents

Nick Bramson
Tawny Friedly
Cindy West


Dena Allchin
Karen DeFazio
David Parker
Jim Pippins
Paul Roberts
Jennifer Shaub